Reckless Love Fellowship is a community of God's creation committed to seeing and affirming the Image of God in ALL humanity, embracing ALL peoples, and ushering in the reign of God through radical love, genuine fellowship, seeking justice, and altruistic service.
Reckless Love Fellowship believes we are human beings first and then only Christians by choice. We believe salvation is not about making us more religious but more fully human, reconciling relationships, restoring human wholeness and well-being, and unlocking potential and creativity. We advocate for social change and testify about hope in the face of injustice. We are ecumenical and inter-religious, and we invite everyone to participate in connection through prayer, emotional care, and human fellowship.
Reckless Love Fellowship is called to establish and connect communities of faith around the world who believe in the radical, revolutionary, reckless love of God.
Help support the mission and ministry initiatives of Reckless Love Fellowship. Use the donate button below to give or give using CashApp or Venmo ($RLFellowship)
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