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Core Values



Reckless Love Fellowship welcomes a radically different construction of the traditional church archetype that does not rely on a permanent physical structure. The church has left the building.



Reckless Love Fellowship believes spiritual resources, spiritual leadership, sacramental service, and human connection should be immediately accessible and not reliant on antiquated and inflexible calendars, schedules, and building hours.           



Reckless Love Fellowship seeks to connect the essence of the Gospel message with all humanity. Connection is one significant way we are doing God’s work in the world.



Reckless Love Fellowship believes in radical, revolutionary, reckless love. A Love that is overwhelming, never-ending, persevering, and unexplainable.  A love that leaves the ninety-nine to find the one that is lost.   


Stewardship Empowerment

Reckless Love Fellowship believes transparent and accountable stewardship leads to empowerment.

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